Monday, February 14, 2011

Tamil Pongal during our last day in India

Tamil Pongal is one of many festivals Tamils celebrate every year. It indicates the end of the harvest season that begins on the first day of Tamil month of Thai which starts on the 14th of January and lasts for four days. The Indian celebrate Pongal to show their gratefulness to Mother Nature for blessing them with normal rainfall.
We were lucky to see this festival on our last day in India, we saw cattle that are colorfully decorated with flowers and painting on their foreheads, even their horns are painted. Families await this pongal to bring their children to watch the cattle show and enjoy the food. Also, there were a lot of small shops that we bought many gifts to bring back home. It was a great beautiful day, the temperature was in the seventies with a beautiful sunshine that we were enjoying before we go back to subzero weather that is waiting for us back home.

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