Monday, February 14, 2011

Hyderabad, India

Hyderabad was the most beautiful city that we visited in India. It is the fifth largest metropolitan city in India, followed by Calcutta, Chennai Delhi, and Mumbai. Hyderabad is located in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. It is a popular trading center for pearls and diamonds sometimes is actually referred to as the Pearl City. It is a very clean city compare to Chennai or Bangalore. We stayed there for four days and visited many places such as Charminar which was built in year 1959; it is a beautiful building with four towers called minarets and a dome right in the middle. The structure is made of granite, lime and marble. The other place that we visited was Golconda Fort which is one of the most wonderful monuments that was built in eleventh century. One of the most important features of this fort is that the sounds of hands clapped at the entry gate which can be heard quite clearly at the top of the hill. So, we all walked the 360 steps that took us to the highest point to see the beautiful scenery and to take the most gorgeous pictures in Hyderabad; after that we attended the Sound and Light Show that was boring in my opinion. After the show we went with Dr. Rao to a beautiful club to meet his friends and have something to eat. We stayed there for couple of hours and went back to the University where we were staying.

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